59 Spring Lane
Long Valley, NJ 07853
Parish Office: (908) 850-0652
Fax: (908) 850-0648
Emergency line for St. Mark's Parishioners: 908-876-4395 (call this number only if you need a priest to administer the Sacrament of the Sick)
St. Mark’s Church and family life centered is located at 59 Spring Lane, Long Valley NJ 07853
To reach St. Mark’s from Rt. 80 W --- Rt. 80 W to Exit 26 “Budd Lake, Hackettstown, Route 46 --- take Rt 46 W past Budd Lake/Mt. Olive Township and continue on Rt. 46 W to Naughright Road, then turn left and proceed 2 miles to Spring Lane. Turn right and continue for less than one mile and the church will be on your left.
To reach St. Mark's from Rt. 80 E --- Rt. 80 E to Exit 19 “Allamuchy” at the end of the exit turn left onto rt. 517(s) and go into the town of Hackettstown --- at the traffic light on Main Street turn left (this is Rt. 46E)…follow the directions listed below.
To reach St. Mark’s from Rt. 46 E --- Hackettstown --- Rt. 46E into Mt. Olive Township, turn right onto Naughright Road, and proceed 2 miles to Spring Lane. Turn right and continue for less than one mile and the church will be on your left.
To reach St. Mark’s from Mansfield/Hackettstown – take Mountain Ave to Schooley's Mt. Road and at Flocktown Road turn left and take Flocktown Road to Nestingwoods Dr. Take Nestlingwoods Dr. to the end at Spring Lane and turn left, the church will be on your left in ¼ of a mile.
To reach St. Mark’s from Rt. 24 W /Rt. 206 Chester take Rt. 24 W into Long Valley and turn Right (still Rt. 24) onto Schooley’s Mt. Road. Take Schooley's Mt. Road (Rt. 24) to Flocktown Road and turn right. Take Flocktown Road to Nestingwoods Dr. Take Nestlingwoods Dr. to the end at Spring Lane and turn left, the church will be on your left in ¼ of a mile.